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balancing stress with ayurveda + self-care
While running from meeting to meeting during my old corporate days, I would often fantasize about stress magically disappearing from my...
ayurveda travel tips
I just got back from a whirlwind week in New York and am currently sitting at my kitchen table with a clay mask on, slippers adorned, and...
when your values become your saboteurs
I just wrapped up a 2-day catering gig for a wonderful group of teachers from San Francisco. Every year, these teachers come up for a...
kitchen sink salad | easy vinaigrette | friendship | wine
My dear friend Sarah Kate came over for dinner the other night. She and I work together in the kitchen at the Occidental Arts & Ecology...
Ayurveda Granola | super grains | cumin | cardamom
It has now been a few weeks since our self-care retreat that my dear friend Maggie and I hosted up in West Sonoma County, where we...
Sweet potato masala curry | shishito | mint | yogurt
I've been feeling a little under the weather lately as the seasons have been shifting from winter to rainy spring. It's the onset of...
Pumpkin Ginger Soup | Toasted Miso
A few months ago, I bought a beautiful 15 lb Musque de Provence Pumpkin from our local farmer's market, intending to use it for our New...
Cardamom Infused Coffee | Organic Whole Milk | Raw Honey
When it comes to self-care, having a morning routine is definitely on my list of priorities. I spent way too many years rushing out of...
In July of 2015, I left my ten year retail career, moved out of my Brooklyn apartment, and booked a one-way ticket to Copenhagen. Ten...
The low down on Ayurvedic spices: The 5 C's
I had a spicy photo session the other day, paying homage to the amazing spices I picked up during my travels. Incorporating more spices...
Steamed Brussel Tops | Roasted Delicata | Farm Egg
I am a sucker for a good farmers market. I love talking to the local farmers and learning new things about their produce, like learning...
Esalen Day 1 : Case of the Freak Outs
I have a lot of nervous energy right now and need a release. Some of it is pent up energy from spending the last two days in a car with...
Nothing changing vs everything changing : JFK-LAX flight
When I’m about to write that life started to unravel after Mike died, I’m sure most people would assume that life unravelling = kim...
Discovering Pema Chodron : Tulum, Mexico
Note to self - Buy "Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change" by Pema Chodron "I'm neither doomed nor completely free, but I'm...
Testing the waters of solo travel : Tulum, Mexico
I couldn't sleep because I was so eager to come out and watch the sunrise. My little room at Casa Utopia (pronounced "oo-toe-pee-uh")...
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