balancing stress with ayurveda + self-care
While running from meeting to meeting during my old corporate days, I would often fantasize about stress magically disappearing from my...
balancing stress with ayurveda + self-care
ayurveda travel tips
when your values become your saboteurs
kitchen sink salad | easy vinaigrette | friendship | wine
Ayurveda Granola | super grains | cumin | cardamom
Sweet potato masala curry | shishito | mint | yogurt
Pumpkin Ginger Soup | Toasted Miso
Cardamom Infused Coffee | Organic Whole Milk | Raw Honey
The low down on Ayurvedic spices: The 5 C's
Steamed Brussel Tops | Roasted Delicata | Farm Egg
Esalen Day 1 : Case of the Freak Outs
Nothing changing vs everything changing : JFK-LAX flight
Discovering Pema Chodron : Tulum, Mexico
Testing the waters of solo travel : Tulum, Mexico